Problem report
Resolution: Fixed
Debian 9 amd64
Zabbix 4.0.10
Sprint 58 (Nov 2019)
Since 2-4 weeks we have the problem, that the LLD for Windows Services, creates random Trigger in DIFFERENT hosts with useless results. It's very hard to explain but I do my best. **
Steps to reproduce:
- Honestly I have no idea what happens here, yet. I only have the symptoms.
In this screenshot you see a random Windows Server 2016, which has an Event up a FTP service not running, but linked to the CPU utilization of Core4 (cpu.util[4), but with the Expression for a not running Service (<>0/<>255)
When I click the Trigger Name, you can see that it links to the CPU History.
When I check the Trigger configuration, you can see that it gets created by the LDD "Windows service discovery" and belongs to the Host "XA-W2016-01"
When I click on the LLD you can see that the LLD belongs to a whole different host! "AX-WEBSERVICE"
I have this for a lot of LLD Trigger by now.
LLD creates the right Triggers for the right items on the Host it was linked to.