Problem report
Resolution: Duplicate
Dedicated server
2*Xeon Gold 6140 processors with a total of 72 logical processors.
Windows server 2016 64-bit
Zabbix agent 4.0.10
3-rd part template for zabbix: https://github.com/MantasTumenas/Zabbix-template-for-Microsoft-Windows-Server
Problem is
- in Zabbix Number of CPUs online are only 40 instead of 72.
(system.cpu.num[online]) - And additionally for the logic processors from 32 to 39, it can't get any data.
(system.cpu.util[XX,system,avg1] or system.cpu.util[XX,system,avg5] or system.cpu.util[XX,system,avg15])
Related issue for Zabbix project: https://support.zabbix.com/browse/ZBX-12397
Related issue for template project: https://github.com/MantasTumenas/Zabbix-template-for-Microsoft-Windows-Server/issues/4
- duplicates
ZBX-15675 system.cpu.util[all,system,avg1] reports the utilization of the first numa node on Windows NUMA hosts
- Closed