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  2. ZBX-16513

Administration rights user is having issues with PostgreSQL


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • 4.2.4
    • Server (S)
    • Zabbix 4.2.4, frontend and other components are installed into docker in one server.
      PostgreSQL database version 11, runs on a separate server.

      Created a group of nodes "Test", added nodes to it.
      Created a group of users Test Users, gave her the right to edit the group of nodes Test.
      Created the user "New" gave access rights "administrator" and added to the group "Test users".
      I go into zabbix users for this, everything works, I see “triggers”, dashboards open, graphs are available.

      But it’s worth going to the Configuration-Hosts tab, the page freezes and either hangs down after 30 seconds and shows available hosts, or “504 gate way timeout” appears.
      If the hosts appear and try to open any for editing, in this case the page freezes and after some time the "504 gate way timeout" pops up.
      At this time, the postgres process with the SELECT parameter starts on the server with the database and starts loading one of the kernels at 100%, if this request was when the user entered the page with hosts, the request will eventually fall off in idle and calm down.
      If it was a request to open a node for editing, then SELECT will hang forever to load one of the cores 100% constantly.
      Going through the tabs in the webmord by the problem user and trying several times to open the host configuration and just the page with the hosts, you can give rise to these problematic requests and in this case the webmord stops responding at all.
      It helps only restarting the container and kill all the processes on the server with the database that are already eating 100% different kernel cores.

      If the same user is "New", to give super-admin rights, everything flies, no problems are observed.

            agavrilovs Aleksandrs Petrovs-Gavrilovs
            Ronin Ronin
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