Incident report
Resolution: Workaround proposed
ubuntu 18.04, mariadb 10.4, php 7.2
default 18.04 ubuntu install on amd64, with no graphical components. The server is dedicated for zabbix.
mariadb repo added: 10.4
zabbix repo addid: 4.4
installation follwoed from here:
database data imported from share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql/ , database collation had been corrected as written in the howto.
webpage comes up. Upon forst login, it throws the error on the screenshot. I tried to manually run the script written in the error, but it says, that there is no default value for one of the columns. So I checked if the table is correctly added. It is. It does exists.
Shouldnt't this be some kind of mariadb 10.4 incompatibility?
- caused by
ZBX-16757 MariaDB 10.4.8, 10.2.26, 10.3.17 unsafe "Row size too large"() issue with MDEV-19292, MDEV-20194
- Closed