Problem report
Resolution: Unresolved
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5 (Maipo)
Steps to reproduce:
I just installed Zabbix on our serveur.
I have an weird issue :
in the zabbix server logs i got :
In zbx_ipc_service_recv() timeout:1
End of zbx_ipc_service_recv():2
i also have :
zbx_setproctitle() title:'proxy poller #1 [exchanged data with 0 proxies in 0.000512 sec, exchanging data]'
In process_proxy()
In DCconfig_get_proxypoller_hosts()
End of DCconfig_get_proxypoller_hosts():0
End of process_proxy()
In DCconfig_get_proxypoller_nextcheck()
End of DCconfig_get_proxypoller_nextcheck():-1
For now, i try to increase timeout tipme to 30 in .conf
i check port with nc, they are all open and succefully connected
Do you have any idea why server keep reiceved timeout ?