Problem report
Resolution: Fixed
5.0.2rc1, 5.2.0alpha1
Sprint 64 (May 2020), Sprint 65 (Jun 2020), Sprint 66 (Jul 2020)
Dynamic item switching does not work for Graph prototype widget when graph prototype contains item prototype from one host and item from another.
Use xml file with prepared data or prepare data as in 1-6 steps
Steps to reproduce:
- Create two host H1 and H2
- Create Item with the same key on each host H1I1 and H2I2
- Create Discovery rule on each host H1D1 and H2D2
- Create Item prototype with the same key on each host "H1IP1 {#ID}" and "H2IP2 {#ID}"
- Add Graph prototype on first host "{#ID} H1 (H1IP1 H2I1)"
- Add item prototype from first host H1IP1 and item from second host H2I2 to graph prototype
- Create Graph prototype widget with option "Dynamic item" and add graph prototype "{#ID} H1 (H1IP1 H2I1)"
- Send data to each Discovery rule
./bin/zabbix_sender -vv -z localhost -sH1 -kdisco -o "[\{\" {#ID}\":0}]" ./bin/zabbix_sender -vv -z localhost -sH2 -kdisco -o "[\{\"{#ID}\":0}]"
- In dashboard control choose H1 host
- In dashboard control choose H2 host
widget displays data for H1 host
widget displays data for H2 host. Can compare with Classic graph widget or screen element with the same Graph prototype in Screens