Problem report
Resolution: Unresolved
4.0.20, 5.0.0
Auto-registration does not work properly.
In version 4.0 was add "More flexible active agent auto-registration".
I use auto-registration and I find some problems:
If I have a working action autoregistration (only one).
Zabbix server add to table autoreg_host all host by this sql:
insert into autoreg_host (autoreg_hostid,proxy_hostid,host,listen_ip,listen_dns,listen_port,host_metadata) values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7)
Completely ignoring the conditions (Host metadata) in action auto-registry.
First generates the next problem.
Auto-registration rerun produce more events because:
Each Agent Zabbix in conf active have two value:
ServerActive=proxy1,proxy2 etc.
RefreshActiveChecks=120 (deflaut)
And entry in the table autoreg_host generates
entry in the table events every two minutes about one host.
Which increases the number of unnecessary entries in the table events (i have 470 milion row in tabel events where source=2)
If I delete action auto-registry – has no effect on the table autoreg_host.
Because this tabel have no connections.
If exist on action auo-registry should exist host in tabel autoreg_host meet the conditions of action auto-registry. (add column actionid to the tabel auto-registry)
If I deleted action auo-registration this host should be deleted.
In tabel events for auto-registry should be exist entries about registration host and changes on the host (separate from RefreshActiveChecks).
Maybe add new column to the tabel events autoregistry where registration is 1, changes HostMetadata is 2, HostMetadataItem is 3 etc.