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  2. ZBX-18206

Incorrect Housekeeping form behavior


    • Sprint 67 (Aug 2020), Sprint 68 (Sep 2020)
    • 0.5

      Case 1:
      1. Go to Housekeeping form
      2. Reset it to default, save it.
      3. Change settings:
      Trigger data storage period => invalid value (5)
      Services => unchecked
      Audit=> unchecked
      User sessions => unchecked
      4. Try to save form, get error about invalid Trigger data storage period
      Result: other settings changed to default, Services, Audit and User sessions became checked.

      Case 2:
      1. Uncheck Events and alerts
      2. Set Services Data storage periodto invalid (1) and try to Save.
      3. Error is present, but Events and alerts became checeked again.

      Case 3:
      1. Go to Housekeeping form
      2. Reset it to default, save it.
      3. Change settings:
      Override item history period => checked
      Data storage period => some custom value (945d)
      Override item trend period => checked
      Data storage periods => some custom value (945d)
      4. Save form.
      5. Press reset to defaults - Notice that all fields have changed to default values, also:
      Override item history period => unchecked
      Data storage period => 90d - disabled
      Override item trend period => unchecked
      Data storage periods => 365d - disabled
      6. Press update.
      7. Result: "Data storage period" values both remained custom, but not default.

            agriscenko Andrejs Griščenko
            lgrigorjeva Larisa Grigorjeva (Inactive)
            Team D
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
