Problem report
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Cent OS 8
Zabbix 5.0.4
Hi everyone,
I had install Zabbix 5.0.4 and wanted to use Template DB MySQL by ODBC (downloaded from here https://git.zabbix.com/projects/ZBX/.../db/mssql_odbc). Odbc is configured on zabbix server and it is able to connect to it. Discovery rules are not showing any errors. I've got problems with items created by them:
This is error message:
Preprocessing failed for: [
1. Failed: cannot extract value from json by path "$[?(@.object_name=='EAIDEV:Buffer Manager' && @.counter_name=='Page reads/sec')].cntr_value.first()": no data matches the specified path
There are values so it can't be username, pw, DSN or instance name...
The server is multi instance.