Problem report
Resolution: Duplicate
Zabbix Server OS: CentOS 7.9.2009
Zabbix Client OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
Zabbix Server/Client version 5.0.8
Steps to reproduce:
- In "Template Module Windows network by Zabbix agent", item "Network interfaces WMI get" , key "wmi.getall[root\cimv2,"select Name,Description,NetConnectionID,Speed,AdapterTypeId,NetConnectionStatus from win32_networkadapter where PhysicalAdapter=True and NetConnectionStatus>0"]"
- My client is a HPE 380 Gen9 , and its network adapter is one adapter with four ports. So I get the following result:
// code placeholder PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\cimv2 -Query "select Name,Description,NetConnectionID,Speed,Ada pterTypeId,NetConnectionStatus from win32_networkadapter where PhysicalAdapter=True and NetConnectionStatus>0" __GENUS : 2 __CLASS : Win32_NetworkAdapter __SUPERCLASS : __DYNASTY : __RELPATH : __PROPERTY_COUNT : 6 __DERIVATION : {} __SERVER : __NAMESPACE : __PATH : AdapterTypeId : 0 Description : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter Name : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter NetConnectionID : Embedded LOM 1 Port 1 NetConnectionStatus : 2 Speed : 1000000000 PSComputerName : __GENUS : 2 __CLASS : Win32_NetworkAdapter __SUPERCLASS : __DYNASTY : __RELPATH : __PROPERTY_COUNT : 6 __DERIVATION : {} __SERVER : __NAMESPACE : __PATH : AdapterTypeId : Description : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter Name : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter NetConnectionID : Embedded LOM 1 Port 4 NetConnectionStatus : 4 Speed : PSComputerName : __GENUS : 2 __CLASS : Win32_NetworkAdapter __SUPERCLASS : __DYNASTY : __RELPATH : __PROPERTY_COUNT : 6 __DERIVATION : {} __SERVER : __NAMESPACE : __PATH : AdapterTypeId : Description : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter Name : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter NetConnectionID : Embedded LOM 1 Port 3 NetConnectionStatus : 4 Speed : PSComputerName : __GENUS : 2 __CLASS : Win32_NetworkAdapter __SUPERCLASS : __DYNASTY : __RELPATH : __PROPERTY_COUNT : 6 __DERIVATION : {} __SERVER : __NAMESPACE : __PATH : AdapterTypeId : Description : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter Name : HPE Ethernet 1Gb 4-port 331i Adapter NetConnectionID : Embedded LOM 1 Port 2 NetConnectionStatus : 4 Speed : PSComputerName :
- From the result we find four ports have same name and description, and just connectionID is different. In the Discovery Rule, all item keys are identified by name. As a result three ports data are discarded and in host items just one port data is showing
- part of
ZBX-16803 LLD rule couldn't create items in template "Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent"
- Closed