Problem report
Resolution: Duplicate
Ubuntu 20.04
MariaDB 10.3.25
Zabbix Server and Frontend 5.2.5
1.Upgrade the zabbix from the version < 5.2 (4.4 in use case)
2.Try to login with superadmin user
Fail to login with LDAP authentication type and guest permissions with internal type
Root reason founded in frontend code
/usr/share/zabbix/include/classes/helpers/CEncryptHelper.php public static function updateKey(string $key): bool { return DBexecute( 'UPDATE config'. ' SET session_key='.zbx_dbstr($key). ' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('configid', [1]) ); }
In case when configid !=1 into config table - query has not executing. If we change it in DB with the query
update config set configid=1;
Everything has working fine
But, we have to change this logic, and drop the hardcode condition update query from a frontend for configid filtering, because there is the only one row for configid - why to filter it?
- duplicates
ZBX-18894 CEncryptHelper::updateKey has fixed configid condition - cookie signature validation fails in certain installations
- Closed