Both Zabbix agents distributed by archive come with conf folder and conf file.
Zabbix agent with zabbix_agentd.conf and agent2 with zabbix_agent2.conf.
This is not corresponds to (be a drop-in replacement for Zabbix agent (in that it supports all the previous functionality)).
And even more - if start agents with no keys they try to find configuration file in different way.
Agent2 try to find (not the file that included in archive) in the folder where the executable file is located:
c:\zabbix>zabbix_agent2.exe zabbix_agent2 [4260]: ERROR: cannot open configuration file: open c:\zabbix\ The system cannot find the file specified.
Agent try to find config file in hardcoded place:
c:\zabbix>zabbix_agentd.exe zabbix_agentd.exe [21424]: cannot open config file "C:\zabbix_agentd.conf": [2] No such file or directory