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  2. ZBX-19726

API configuration.import does not update a trigger but creates a now one

    • Icon: Problem report Problem report
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • 5.0.14
    • API (A)
    • None
    • Zabbix with saltstack using the API and configuration.import.

      Zabbix 5.2

      Steps to reproduce:

      I use saltstack to provision monitring, but I think the error lies within Zabbix API. Basically I use the zabbix API to create templates. After a change in the template source I also want to update zabbix. But this fails. The API create a new trigger instead of updating the existing one.


      Creation of the template with the following yaml works:


       version: '5.2'
       date: '2021-07-23T17:37:28Z'
         - name: Templates
         - name: Mailstore
           template: IMAP_Service_2
           name: IMAP_Service2
             - name: Templates
             - name: Mailstore
             - name: 'IMAP Service2'
               name: check_imap2
               type: EXTERNAL
               key: 'check_imap.sh["\{HOST.NAME}"]'
               trends: '0'
               value_type: TEXT
               description: 'output of the check_imap2 script. Output is JSON that need to be parsed afterwards in dependent items.'
                 - name: 'IMAP Service2'
               name: imap_code2
               type: DEPENDENT
               key: imap_code2
               delay: '0'
               description: 'Return code of the curl command.'
                   name: 'IMAP Service2'
                   type: JSONPATH
                     - $.code
                 key: 'check_imap.sh["\{HOST.NAME}"]'
                   expression: '{last()}>0'
                   name: 'IMAP Acess to test mailbox'
                   priority: WARNING
                   description: 'The return code of the curl command was {ITEM.VALUE1}.'

      Now I want to update that template with the expression "


      =0". Running the API call creates a new trigger in the template instead of updating the existing one. My saltstack state is

         - method: configuration.import
         - params:
             format: yaml
             source: |
               {{ template_source | indent(10) }}
                 createMissing: true
                 updateExisting: true
                 createMissing: true
                 updateExisting: true
                 createMissing: true
                 updateExisting: true
                 createMissing: true


      Additional trigger with the new expression created. The API by the way, does not complain about any error.

      Update the existing trigger with the new expression.

            zabbix.dev Zabbix Development Team
            misch Michael Schwartzkopff
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