Problem report
Resolution: Fixed
Sprint 79 (Aug 2021), Sprint 80 (Sep 2021), Sprint 81 (Oct 2021), Sprint 82 (Nov 2021), Sprint 83 (Dec 2021), Sprint 84 (Jan 2022), Sprint 85 (Feb 2022), Sprint 86 (Mar 2022), Sprint 87 (Apr 2022), Sprint 88 (May 2022), Sprint 89 (Jun 2022), Sprint 90 (Jul 2022), Sprint 91 (Aug 2022)
- Monitoring -> Hosts
If checked with the Severity filter, SQL with a very many number of IDs is generated, long time SQL queries in Zabbix Frontend.
Below was a situation about 90,000 Triggerids SQL were created.
SQL (84.561343): SELECT p.eventid,p.objectid FROM problem p WHERE p.source='0' AND p.object='0' AND (p.objectid IN (17841,17842,17939,17940,17941,17942,17943,17944,...18886) OR p.objectid IN (18887,18888,18889,18890 ...[Too many IDs]... )) AND p.severity=5 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM event_suppress es WHERE es.eventid=p.eventid) AND p.r_eventid IS NULL SQL (207.076222): SELECT f.triggerid,i.hostid FROM functions f,items i WHERE (f.triggerid IN (17841,17842,17939,17940,17941, ...[Too many IDs]... f.triggerid IN (18887,18888,18889,18890,18891,18892...[Too many IDs]... ,318696,387744)) AND f.itemid=i.itemid