Problem report
Resolution: Commercial support required
Steps to reproduce:
This same code works in zabbix 3.4, and before you tell me to just read the docs, I would find it helpful on how to write the json to get what I need. That hostid is the id of a template that contains the trigger.
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "trigger.get", "params": { "hostids": 13216, "filter": { "description": "{HOST.HOST}: healthcheck non-200 status code" }, "output": [ "description" ] }, "id": 1, "auth": "{{auth}}" }
Returns the following in zabbix 3.4
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "triggerid": "444967", "description": "{HOST.HOST}: healthcheck non-200 status code" } ], "id": 1 }
but same json query in zabbix 6.0.2 returns all the triggers on the template
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": [ { "triggerid": "444966", "description": "{HOST.HOST}: has a events file waiting" }, { "triggerid": "444967", "description": "{HOST.HOST}: healthcheck non-200 status code" }, { "triggerid": "444968", "description": "{HOSTNAME} test-app env.properties changed" }, { "triggerid": "444969", "description": "{HOSTNAME} test app chef override exists" }, { "triggerid": "495481", "description": "{HOST.HOST}: couldn't ping external site" }, { "triggerid": "495482", "description": "{HOST.HOST}: couldn't ping external site" }, { "triggerid": "495483", "description": "{HOST.HOST}: error in ping configuration" } ], "id": 1 }