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  2. ZBX-21552

Item stopped recording history values


    • Icon: Problem report Problem report
    • Resolution: Commercial support required
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • 6.0.7
    • Server (S)

      Steps to reproduce:

      • It just happens suddenly and at random times
      • I monitor an oracle database machine using ODBC. I use the official template with some minor edits including removing any non-ODBC items and providing a "SELEC 1 from tab" item.
      • Zabbix, after so many days and no any new changes, suddenly stopped storing any new history for a host.
      • When I use "Test" button for any item, I do get a value. The item does have a History storage period (730 days). However when I do "Execute now" or let it execute automatically (interval of 1 minute) it does not store the new values!
      • The same template is linked to other hosts with no host-specific edits. Other hosts are working fine currently.
      • It is very rate to happen, but this is not the first time. It had happened with other host (using the same template). That time I had re-created the host with the same configurations and the new host started making history (the old one did not!).
      • Note: The used template is attached to this issue.


      • Zabbix suddenly stopped recording history for the items of one of the hosts


      Zabbix should not stop recording history for items without configuring it to do so.{}

        1. image-2022-09-01-12-27-56-344.png
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        2. image-2022-09-01-12-38-37-608.png
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        3. image-2022-09-04-08-29-13-582.png
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        4. image-2022-09-04-08-33-55-067.png
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        5. image-2022-09-05-09-20-21-150.png
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        6. image-2022-09-05-09-28-44-998.png
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        7. image-2022-09-06-09-52-58-068.png
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        8. Oracle by ODBC.yaml
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          Waleed Mortaja

            edgar.akhmetshin Edgar Akhmetshin
            waleedmortaja Waleed Mortaja
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