
    • Icon: Problem report Problem report
    • Resolution: Commercial support required
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • 6.2.5
    • Frontend (F), Server (S)
    • Ubuntu 20.04, Proxy 6.2

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. We getting error its called "Unexpected server error." when we trying to add ESXi hosts or VMware Hypervisor hosts.
      2. We need to add macros for login host so we added $USER, $PASSWORD and $URL.
      3. Then we getting the error while using url with http or https.
      4. We already tried $VMWARE.URL but still not working.
      5. In conclusion, we add hosts without http or https, I mean only ip address then /sdk. In this time we getting error its called "Couldn't resolve host name" and "Received response has no valid XML data."

        1. image-2023-01-09-11-34-04-709.png
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          tunahan husem
        2. image-2023-01-09-11-35-05-752.png
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          tunahan husem
        3. image-2023-01-09-11-50-00-804.png
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          tunahan husem
        4. image-2023-01-09-14-58-39-895.png
          27 kB
          tunahan husem

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