
    • Sprint 96 (Jan 2023)
    • 1

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Changes in configuration...
        1. Updated to Zabbix 6.2.6 from 6.0.11
      2. Zabbix will randomly stop working (collecting data) but the web interface is still up. I go into the log and it says that Zabbix has crashed. 

      886748:20230117:024552.454 Got signal [signal:11(SIGSEGV),reason:1,refaddr:0x559f836e3000]. Crashing ...
      886748:20230117:024552.454 ====== Fatal information: ======
      886748:20230117:024552.454 Program counter: 0x559f7f526a0d
      886748:20230117:024552.454 === Registers: ===
      886748:20230117:024552.454 r8      =     559f8005af20 =       94143536017184 =       94143536017184
      886748:20230117:024552.454 r9      =     559f8005af20 =       94143536017184 =       94143536017184
      886748:20230117:024552.454 r10     =               10 =                   16 =                   16
      886748:20230117:024552.454 r11     = 2b24a4a934cde581 =  3108790689434822017 =  3108790689434822017
      886748:20230117:024552.454 r12     =                d =                   13 =                   13
      886748:20230117:024552.454 r13     =     559f7f2b0d7e =       94143521688958 =       94143521688958
      886748:20230117:024552.454 r14     =     559f7f763078 =       94143526613112 =       94143526613112
      886748:20230117:024552.454 r15     =     7f1030ecd040 =      139707517030464 =      139707517030464
      886748:20230117:024552.454 rdi     =     559f81b9d218 =       94143564599832 =       94143564599832
      886748:20230117:024552.454 rsi     =     7fff8fa332a8 =      140735603225256 =      140735603225256
      886748:20230117:024552.454 rbp     =     7fff8fa33260 =      140735603225184 =      140735603225184
      886748:20230117:024552.454 rbx     =               fc =                  252 =                  252
      886748:20230117:024552.454 rdx     =                0 =                    0 =                    0
      886748:20230117:024552.455 rax     =     559f836e3000 =       94143593197568 =       94143593197568
      886748:20230117:024552.455 rcx     =     7fff8fa332a0 =      140735603225248 =      140735603225248
      886748:20230117:024552.455 rsp     =     7fff8fa33260 =      140735603225184 =      140735603225184
      886748:20230117:024552.455 rip     =     559f7f526a0d =       94143524268557 =       94143524268557
      886748:20230117:024552.455 efl     =            10216 =                66070 =                66070
      886748:20230117:024552.455 csgsfs  =   2b000000000033 =    12103423998558259 =    12103423998558259
      886748:20230117:024552.455 err     =                4 =                    4 =                    4
      886748:20230117:024552.455 trapno  =                e =                   14 =                   14
      886748:20230117:024552.455 oldmask =             4a06 =                18950 =                18950
      886748:20230117:024552.455 cr2     =     559f836e3000 =       94143593197568 =       94143593197568

        1. zabbixselectquery.txt
          41 kB
          Mark Fenin
        2. zabbix_server.log
          48 kB
          Mark Fenin

            wiper Andris Zeila
            markfen88 Mark Fenin
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