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  2. ZBX-22234

truncated values for {#SNMPINDEX} macro - 8 leading chars are missing


    • Sprint 98 (Mar 2023), Sprint 99 (Apr 2023), Sprint 100 (May 2023)
    • 1

      Try to use OID . (IF-MIB::ifEntry) for LLD rule. The OID for rule:


      Resulted JSON would be this:


      Note that exactly first 8 characters on left side get truncated in values for {#SNMPINDEX} macro.

      while actually those index names are more long:

      # snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost .
      IF-MIB::ifIndex.1 = INTEGER: 1
      IF-MIB::ifIndex.2 = INTEGER: 2
      IF-MIB::ifIndex.3 = INTEGER: 3
      IF-MIB::ifIndex.4 = INTEGER: 4
      IF-MIB::ifIndex.5 = INTEGER: 5
      IF-MIB::ifIndex.7 = INTEGER: 7
      IF-MIB::ifDescr.1 = STRING: lo
      IF-MIB::ifDescr.2 = STRING: enp0s31f6
      IF-MIB::ifDescr.3 = STRING: eth1
      IF-MIB::ifDescr.4 = STRING: wlan0
      IF-MIB::ifDescr.5 = STRING: docker0
      IF-MIB::ifDescr.7 = STRING: vboxnet0
      IF-MIB::ifType.1 = INTEGER: softwareLoopback(24)
      IF-MIB::ifType.2 = INTEGER: ethernetCsmacd(6)
      IF-MIB::ifType.3 = INTEGER: ethernetCsmacd(6)
      IF-MIB::ifType.4 = INTEGER: ethernetCsmacd(6)
      IF-MIB::ifType.5 = INTEGER: ethernetCsmacd(6)
      IF-MIB::ifType.7 = INTEGER: ethernetCsmacd(6)
      IF-MIB::ifMtu.1 = INTEGER: 65536
      IF-MIB::ifMtu.2 = INTEGER: 1500
      IF-MIB::ifMtu.3 = INTEGER: 1500
      IF-MIB::ifMtu.4 = INTEGER: 1500
      IF-MIB::ifMtu.5 = INTEGER: 1500
      IF-MIB::ifMtu.7 = INTEGER: 1500
      IF-MIB::ifSpeed.1 = Gauge32: 10000000
      IF-MIB::ifSpeed.2 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifSpeed.3 = Gauge32: 1000000000
      IF-MIB::ifSpeed.4 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifSpeed.5 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifSpeed.7 = Gauge32: 10000000
      IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.1 = STRING: 
      IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.2 = STRING: 8c:16:45:1d:8b:5a
      IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.3 = STRING: 34:d0:b8:c0:66:85
      IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.4 = STRING: 0:21:6b:e8:4f:59
      IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.5 = STRING: 2:42:24:7f:84:ca
      IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.7 = STRING: a:0:27:0:0:0
      IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.1 = INTEGER: up(1)
      IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.2 = INTEGER: up(1)
      IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.3 = INTEGER: up(1)
      IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.4 = INTEGER: down(2)
      IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.5 = INTEGER: up(1)
      IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.7 = INTEGER: down(2)
      IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.1 = INTEGER: up(1)
      IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.2 = INTEGER: down(2)
      IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.3 = INTEGER: up(1)
      IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.4 = INTEGER: down(2)
      IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.5 = INTEGER: down(2)
      IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.7 = INTEGER: down(2)
      IF-MIB::ifLastChange.1 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
      IF-MIB::ifLastChange.2 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
      IF-MIB::ifLastChange.3 = Timeticks: (18569275) 2 days, 3:34:52.75
      IF-MIB::ifLastChange.4 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
      IF-MIB::ifLastChange.5 = Timeticks: (1015) 0:00:10.15
      IF-MIB::ifLastChange.7 = Timeticks: (2179418) 6:03:14.18
      IF-MIB::ifInOctets.1 = Counter32: 251587631
      IF-MIB::ifInOctets.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInOctets.3 = Counter32: 1145353401
      IF-MIB::ifInOctets.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInOctets.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInOctets.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts.1 = Counter32: 1183031
      IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts.3 = Counter32: 8248210
      IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInNUcastPkts.1 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInNUcastPkts.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInNUcastPkts.3 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInNUcastPkts.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInNUcastPkts.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInNUcastPkts.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInDiscards.1 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInDiscards.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInDiscards.3 = Counter32: 20
      IF-MIB::ifInDiscards.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInDiscards.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInDiscards.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInErrors.1 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInErrors.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInErrors.3 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInErrors.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInErrors.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInErrors.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUnknownProtos.1 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUnknownProtos.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUnknownProtos.3 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUnknownProtos.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUnknownProtos.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifInUnknownProtos.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.1 = Counter32: 251587631
      IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.3 = Counter32: 350603637
      IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts.1 = Counter32: 1183031
      IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts.3 = Counter32: 1729985
      IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutNUcastPkts.1 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutNUcastPkts.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutNUcastPkts.3 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutNUcastPkts.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutNUcastPkts.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutNUcastPkts.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutDiscards.1 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutDiscards.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutDiscards.3 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutDiscards.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutDiscards.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutDiscards.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutErrors.1 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutErrors.2 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutErrors.3 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutErrors.4 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutErrors.5 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutErrors.7 = Counter32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutQLen.1 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutQLen.2 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutQLen.3 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutQLen.4 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutQLen.5 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifOutQLen.7 = Gauge32: 0
      IF-MIB::ifSpecific.1 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::zeroDotZero
      IF-MIB::ifSpecific.2 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::zeroDotZero
      IF-MIB::ifSpecific.3 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::zeroDotZero
      IF-MIB::ifSpecific.4 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::zeroDotZero
      IF-MIB::ifSpecific.5 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::zeroDotZero
      IF-MIB::ifSpecific.7 = OID: SNMPv2-SMI::zeroDotZero


      So, i'm getting wrong index. Example of wrong and correct ones, aligned on Right:


      This particular OID was used here just as example to simplify scenario to reproduce the issue, while somewhere in real production installation another OID is actually used.

            dgoloscapov Dmitrijs Goloscapovs
            zalex_ua Oleksii Zagorskyi
            Team A
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
