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  2. ZBX-22413

Wrong autofocus in configuration forms of items, triggers, e.t.c if it is inherited from a template


    • Sprint 98 (Mar 2023)
    • 0.125

      The autofocus of inherited web scenarios should definitely be fixed:
      In case if a web scenario is inherited from a template, and its configuration form is opened, then autofocus is not set at all. Focus should be set on the fist interact-able element of the configuration form: Application in Zabbix 5.0 and Update interval in all following versions.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a template with a web scenario
      2. Create a host and link the previously created template to it
      3. Open the configuration of the inherited web scenario on the host

      Result: autofocus is not set
      Expected: the first interactive element of the configuration should be in focus: Application in Zabbix 5.0 and Update interval in all following versions.

      All other inherited entities (questinable):
      From this point of view the situation is also wrong for inherited items, triggers, graphs e.t.c., as for these entities the disabled input element "Name" is in focus (which is better than no autofocus at all, but still).

      But it's important to note, that if we consider that the next interact-able element should be in focus, then we have a problem in inherited graph configuration form - there are no interact-able fields there besides the colorpickers in items table. Therefore, the expected result is still a point for discussion.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a template with an item and a trigger
      2. Create a host and link the previously created template to it
      3. Open the configuration of the inherited item or the trigger on the host and check which field is in focus

      Result: autofocus is on the disabled field "Name"
      Expected: the first interactive element of the configuration should be in focus, for example in item configuration - Host interface field.

            dfofanovs Dmitrijs Fofanovs
            solonkins Sergejs Olonkins
            Team A
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
