The following error occurs on HP-UX:
19643:20100330:190107.883 In process_active_checks()
19643:20100330:190107.883 In process_logrt() filename [/var/log//testlog.[0-9]*] lastlogsize [0] mtime [0]
19643:20100330:190107.883 In split_filename()
19643:20100330:190107.883 In split_string()
19643:20100330:190107.883 "part1" [/var/log/]
19643:20100330:190107.883 "part2" [testlog.[0-9]*]
19643:20100330:190107.883 In init_logfiles()
19643:20100330:190107.884 We are in the *nix directory reading cycle.
19643:20100330:190107.884 Cannot process read entry [/var/log//.].
19643:20100330:190107.884 Cannot process read entry [/var/log//..].
19643:20100330:190107.884 Cannot process read entry [/var/log//SOME_DIR].
19643:20100330:190107.884 [/var/log//zabbix_agentd.log] does not match [testlog.[0-9]*].
19643:20100330:190107.884 Adding the file [/var/log//testlog.0] to logfiles.
19643:20100330:190107.884 In add_logfile() filename: [testlog.0] mtime: [1269943210]
19638:20100330:190107.885 One child process died (PID:19643). Exiting ...
19638:20100330:190107.886 zbx_on_exit() called.
19638:20100330:190109.890 Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 1.8.2 (revision 11211).
- is duplicated by
ZBX-2073 zabbix agent crash: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer when scanning oracle trace files
- Closed
ZBX-2549 Zabbix agent (UNIX) dies after processing logrt check
- Closed
ZBX-2558 Windows agent crashes when rotating log file monitoring has a large number of logs in the directory
- Closed