Incident report
Resolution: Unresolved
Summary should be pretty much clear.
Example minimalistic template attached zbx_export_templates-not-cloning.yaml
Import to get "Example-not-cloning" template created and try to full clone it, you will get an error (line wraps are added for readability):
Trigger prototype "Interface {#IFINDEX}: Packet Loss on Link" cannot depend on the non-existent trigger "direct trigger" on the template "Example-not-cloning-dupe". [templates.php:399 → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CDiscoveryRule->copy() → CDiscoveryRule->copyDiscoveryRule() → CDiscoveryRule->copyTriggerPrototypes() → CApiService::exception() in include/classes/api/services/CDiscoveryRule.php:922]
Then go to the single trigger on template level and change its mode to just Expression (without Recovery) and now you will be able to clone the template.
It should not be this way, something is wrong in order of routines, when doing full clone such template.
Tested on current git rev, Zabbix 6.0.20rc1