Problem report
Resolution: Unresolved
5.0.37, 6.0.21
Steps to reproduce:
- monitor "icmpping[<target host>,10,5000,,5000]"
This item executes fping command like "fping -c 10 -i 5000 -t 5000 <target host>".
As it does ICMP ping 10 times every 5 seconds, this monitoring item takes at least 45 seconds.
Timeout configuration in zabbix_server.conf accepts 30 seconds at most, and so I think the monitoring times out.
But it does not actually time out and works fine.
In [Zabbix docmentation|https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/6.0/en/manual/config/items/itemtypes/simple_checks,] it says
Timeout processing Zabbix will not process a simple check longer than the Timeout seconds defined in the Zabbix server/proxy configuration file.
It looks like that documentation and actual behavior are different.
I can not tell if it is an implementation error or documentation error.
icmpping monitoring should be times out, or documentation should be updated.