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  2. ZBX-24180

Error importing updated template.


    • S24-W22/23
    • 1

      Error "No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!" Occurs when importing an updated template. The essence of updating a template is to create a new master item in the main part of the template. Next, the LLD rule and LLD prototypes of items are made dependent on the new item.

      These changes can be seen by comparing two templates: "zbx_export_templates (old)" and "zbx_export_templates (new)". These 2 templates were specifically reduced to localize the problem.

      If the original template is not in the system, the updated template is imported without errors. That is, the problem only occurs when trying to update the template.

      This problem was discovered on version 6.0 but is also reproduced on versions 6.4 and 7.0.0beta.


      To reproduce the problem, you need to import the templates in the attachment one by one:

      1. zbx_export_templates (old) - Template with 1 LLD rule + prototypes of items and triggers.
      2. zbx_export_templates (new) - Template with 1 new item + LLD converted to dependent + LLD item prototypes converted to dependent on the new item.


      Similar changes were made in the out of the box template - "MySQL by ODBC". The problem can be reproduced by importing the files one by one:

      1. template_db_mysql_odbc (old) - Out of the box template "MySQL by ODBC".
      2. template_db_mysql_odbc (new) - Updated template.

            jfreibergs Janis Freibergs
            akotsegubov Aleksandr Kotsegubov
            Team C
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            6 Start watching this issue
