Problem report
Resolution: Unresolved
6.0.31rc1, 6.4.16rc1, 7.0.0rc1
Windows 10
An error appears in Reports -> System information:
6.4 and 7.0 (master) branch:
Undefined array key "english_united states.1252" [zabbix.php:17 -> require_once() -> ZBase->run() -> ZBase->processRequest() -> CController->run() -> CControllerReportStatus->doAction() -> CSystemInfoHelper::getData() -> CFrontendSetup->checkRequirements() -> CFrontendSetup->checkSystemLocale() -> zbx_locale_variants() -> zbx_locale_variants_win() -> CConfigFile->{closure}() in include\locales.inc.php:211]
And similar in 6.0:
Undefined index: english_united kingdom.1252 [zabbix.php:22 -> require_once() -> ZBase->run() -> ZBase->processRequest() -> CController->run() -> CControllerReportStatus->doAction() -> CSystemInfoHelper::getData() -> CFrontendSetup->checkRequirements() -> CFrontendSetup->checkSystemLocale() -> zbx_locale_variants() -> zbx_locale_variants_win() -> CConfigFile->{closure}() in include\locales.inc.php:214]
If you run setup.php, you can see that it has System locale "English_United States.1252" installed and "OK" indicator is right next to it. Everything else also checks out "OK". So there shouldn't be any problem. Nothing was changed on the system. Nothing was uninstalled.
At some point function "zbx_locale_variants_win()" just gets 'English_United States.1252' instead of expected 'en_US'.
Such run-time errors shouldn't be displayed to user.
Caused by ZBX-23478
- caused by
ZBX-23478 Frontend setup process checks installed languages during DB connection check
- Closed