Incident report
Resolution: Fixed
Debian squeeze,
root@zabbix:~# dpkg -l|grep apache
ii apache2 2.2.15-5 Apache HTTP Server metapackage
ii apache2-mpm-prefork 2.2.15-5 Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threade
ii apache2-utils 2.2.15-5 utility programs for webservers
ii apache2.2-bin 2.2.15-5 Apache HTTP Server common binary files
ii apache2.2-common 2.2.15-5 Apache HTTP Server common files
ii libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.2-1 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag
root@zabbix:~# dpkg -l|grep zabbix
ii zabbix-agent 1:1.8.2-1 network monitoring solution - agent
ii zabbix-frontend-php 1:1.8.2-1 network monitoring solution - PHP front-end
ii zabbix-server-mysql 1:1.8.2-1 network monitoring solution - server (using
Debian squeeze, root@zabbix :~# dpkg -l|grep apache ii apache2 2.2.15-5 Apache HTTP Server metapackage ii apache2-mpm-prefork 2.2.15-5 Apache HTTP Server - traditional non-threade ii apache2-utils 2.2.15-5 utility programs for webservers ii apache2.2-bin 2.2.15-5 Apache HTTP Server common binary files ii apache2.2-common 2.2.15-5 Apache HTTP Server common files ii libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.2-1 server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag root@zabbix :~# dpkg -l|grep zabbix ii zabbix-agent 1:1.8.2-1 network monitoring solution - agent ii zabbix-frontend-php 1:1.8.2-1 network monitoring solution - PHP front-end ii zabbix-server-mysql 1:1.8.2-1 network monitoring solution - server (using
I tried to use the python API mapping to delete a screen, the trace :
20: url: http://zabbix.krg/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php
10: Trying to login with 'api':'md5(8a5da52ed126447d359e70c05721a8aa)'
10: json_obj: {'params':
, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'user.authenticate', 'auth': '', 'id': 0}
10: Connection object <httplib.HTTPConnection instance at 0x28b65f0>
20: Sending: {"params":
, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "user.authenticate", "auth": "", "id": 0}
10: Sending headers:
20: Response Code: 200 OK
10: Response Body:
10: json_obj: {'params': {}, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'APIInfo.version', 'auth': '42e72a52d13b0286ce579af874f8572b', 'id': 1}
10: Connection object <httplib.HTTPConnection instance at 0x28b6878>
20: Sending: {"params": {}, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "APIInfo.version", "auth": "42e72a52d13b0286ce579af874f8572b", "id": 1}
10: Sending headers:
20: Response Code: 200 OK
10: Response Body:
Zabbix API Version: 1.2
10: json_obj: {'params':
, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'user.checkAuthentication', 'auth': '42e72a52d13b0286ce579af874f8572b', 'id': 2}
10: Connection object <httplib.HTTPConnection instance at 0x28b6998>
20: Sending: {"params":
, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "user.checkAuthentication", "auth": "42e72a52d13b0286ce579af874f8572b", "id": 2}
10: Sending headers:
20: Response Code: 200 OK
10: Response Body:
Logged in: True
10: json_obj: {'params':
, 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'screen.delete', 'auth': '42e72a52d13b0286ce579af874f8572b', 'id': 3}
10: Connection object <httplib.HTTPConnection instance at 0x28b65f0>
20: Sending: {"params":
, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "screen.delete", "auth": "42e72a52d13b0286ce579af874f8572b", "id": 3}
10: Sending headers:
20: Response Code: 500 Internal Server Error
HTTP ERROR 500: Internal Server Error
Also tried with svn version svn://svn.zabbix.com/branches/1.8/frontends/php, same issue.
Log in apache :
[Thu May 27 09:28:40 2010] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot break/continue 1 level in /srv/src/zabbix/1.8/frontends/php/api/classes/class.cscreen.php on line 693