Problem report
Resolution: Declined
This ZBX ticket is a request to fix the some default template.
The manual for the Change per second includes the following statement.
Note: As this calculation may produce floating-point numbers, it is recommended to set the 'Type of information' to Numeric (float), even if the incoming raw values are integers.
However, several templates have different settings.
- Template:Network Generic Device SNMP
- Item prototypes:Interface {#IFDESCR}: Bits received
- Type of information:Numeric (unsigned)
- Item prototypes:Interface {#IFDESCR}: Bits received
- Template:Cisco Catalyst 3750V2-24FS SNMP
- Item prototypes:Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent
- Type of information:Numeric (unsigned)
- Item prototypes:Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Bits sent
- Template:Cisco IOS SNMP
- Item prototypes:Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded
- Type of information:Numeric (unsigned)
- Item prototypes:Interface {#IFNAME}({#IFALIAS}): Inbound packets discarded
Wouldn't it be necessary to change to Numeric (float)?