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  2. ZBX-24910

Zabbix 7.0.1 no handling proper triggers errors


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Docker Container - Zabbix 7.0.1 PSGL-Server + Web/Agent on Alpine 7.0.1 also and DB this image: timescale/timescaledb:2.15.3-pg16

      I have a template that has a function error problem, because there is not enough data to evaluate ( will still be collected ). In the moment this triggers are generate by LLD, the servers stops with this on log ( level 5 ):

         287:20240725:054227.897 zbx_substitute_functions_results() expression[101]:'({55489}>({55490}*0.60) and {55490}<=16 and {55490}>=8) or ({55489}>({55490}*0.40) and {55490}>=17 and {55490}<=32) or ({55489}>({55490}*0.25) and {55490}>=33)' => '(0>(ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)*0.60) and ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)<=16 and ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)>=8) or (0>(ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)*0.40) and ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)>=17 and ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)<=32) or (0>(ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)*0.25) and ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)>=33)'
         287:20240725:054227.897 zbx_substitute_functions_results() expression[102]:'{55523}=2 and {55524}>=3 and ({55525}={55526})' => 'ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlStatus_[4194345216]): not enough data.)=2 and ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)>=3 and (ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/onu_los_[4194345216]): not enough data.)=0)'
         287:20240725:054227.897 zbx_substitute_functions_results() expression[103]:'{55555}=2 and {55556}>=3 and ({55557}>{55558})' => 'ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlStatus_[4194345216]): not enough data.)=2 and ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)>=3 and (0>ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/onu_los_[4194345216]): not enough data.))'
         287:20240725:054227.897 zbx_substitute_functions_results() expression[104]:'{55587}=2 and {55588}>=3 and ({55589}>{55590})' => 'ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlStatus_[4194345216]): not enough data.)=2 and ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/hwGponDeviceOltControlOntNum.[4194345216]): not enough data.)>=3 and (ERROR(Cannot evaluate function last(/10006-OLT_MAUA/onu_los_[4194345216]): not enough data.)>0)'
         287:20240725:054227.897 End of zbx_substitute_functions_results()
           1:20240725:054227.897 End of zbx_ipc_service_recv():2
           1:20240725:054227.897 In zbx_ha_dispatch_message()
           1:20240725:054227.897 End of zbx_ha_dispatch_message():SUCCEED
           1:20240725:054227.897 One child process died (PID:619,exitcode/signal:0). Exiting ...

      After the One child process died, everything falls apart and server stops.
      If I disable this triggers Zabbix don't crash.

      On the Attachment there is the template that is causing the Zabbix Server to crash it.
      Trigger names are:

      {#IFNAME} {#IFALIAS}: Queda massiva de ONU por falta de sinal.


      : Queda massiva de ONU's por falta de energia.

      If any more information is necessary, please just ask for it.

            zabbix.dev Zabbix Development Team
            dvrocha Leandro Rocha
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
