Problem report
Resolution: Unresolved
6.4.20, 7.0.6
Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS, zabbix-server 7.0.6, nginx 1.18.0, postgresql 14.13, timescaledb 2.17.2
Support backlog
Steps to reproduce:
- From the side bar, choose "Reports"
- From the sub-menu, choose "Audit log"
zabbix-server has been updated from version 6.4.20 to 7.0.6. After a while, a problem appeared with the “Audit log” page loading for too long, more than 5 minutes. When analyzing the query plan in the database, it turned out that select from the “auditlog” table takes a long time, and decompressing some timescale chunks takes more than two minutes.
The script "postgresql/timescaledb/schema.sql script" ran after the update.
Audit reports page opens faster,
- mentioned in
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