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  2. ZBX-25927

Unable to disable triggers that have been created from discoveries via the Problem Widget on Dashboards


    • Icon: Problem report Problem report
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None
    • 7.0.8
    • Frontend (F)
    • Zabbix Server and Frontend (VM)
      - Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
      - Zabbix-Server 7.0.8
      - nginx/1.24.0

      Database (separate VM)
      - PostgreSQL 16.6 (Ubuntu 16.6-1.pgdg24.04+1)
      - TimescaleDB

      When attempting to disable a trigger (originally created via a discovery rule) from the Problem widget on a dashboard, the frontend displays a success message ("Trigger updated"), but the trigger remains enabled.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Open any Zabbix dashboard
      2. Navigate to a Problem widget
      3. Left-click on an active Problem whose trigger was created by a discovery rule
      4. Scroll down and uncheck the "Enabled" option
      5. Click "Update" to save the trigger settings
      6. Observe the frontend confirmation message: "Trigger updated"
      7. Verify whether the trigger was actually disabled

      The trigger remains enabled despite the confirmation message.

      {}The trigger should be disabled after unchecking "Enabled" and saving the update.

      Additional Notes:

      • This issue only occurs for triggers that originate from a discovery rule.
      • It can be reproduced consistently across multiple dashboards.
      • Using "Configuration → Hosts → Triggers" to disable the trigger does work, but that bypasses the dashboard workflow.
      • It seems like other people have the same issue. See here

      Thank you for investigating this issue. Please let me know if you require further information (additional logs, dumps, or screenshots) to assist in resolving it.

            zabbix.support Zabbix Support Team
            mm_ks Kevin Schwarz
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