Problem report
Resolution: Unresolved
S25-W10/11, S25-W12/13
1) Setup autoregistration to link the following MANY_TEMPLATES_TEMPLATE template:
2) run autoregistraton
make sure the host is discovered and template is linked
3) in ui - 'unlink' this template (do not run 'unlink and clear')
4) change agent host metadata, and restart the agent
cannot link template(s) (null)
is logged in server logs:
897691:20250214:173736.715 In DBcopy_template_triggers() 897691:20250214:173736.717 In get_templates_triggers_data() 897691:20250214:173736.717 ignoring query [txnlev:1] [select t.triggerid,t.description,t.expression,t.status,t.type,t.priority,t.comments,t.url,t.u\ rl_name,t.flags,t.recovery_expression,t.recovery_mode,t.correlation_mode,t.correlation_tag,t.manual_close,t.opdata,t.discover,t.event_name from tri\ ggers t where t.triggerid in (select distinct tg.triggerid from triggers tg,functions f,items i where tg.triggerid=f.triggerid and f.itemid=i.itemi\ d and i.hostid=10824)] within failed transaction 897691:20250214:173736.718 End of get_templates_triggers_data():FAIL 897691:20250214:173736.720 End of DBcopy_template_triggers():FAIL 897691:20250214:173736.720 End of zbx_db_copy_template_elements():FAIL 897691:20250214:173736.721 cannot link template(s) (null)
- related to
ZBX-24315 ERROR [file and function: <template_item.c,link_template_lld_macro_paths>, revision:6e531c4, line:3092] Something impossible has just happened
- Closed