Incident report
Resolution: Fixed
Here is debug information for one screen in screen editing form:
Time:0.001112 SQL: SELECT * FROM screens_items WHERE screenid=3
Time:1.370191 LONG SQL: SELECT DISTINCT n.nodeid, n.name as node_name, h.hostid, h.host, min(r.permission) as permission, ug.userid FROM hosts h LEFT JOIN hosts_groups hg ON hg.hostid=h.hostid LEFT JOIN groups g ON g.groupid=hg.groupid LEFT JOIN rights r ON r.id=g.groupid LEFT JOIN users_groups ug ON ug.usrgrpid=r.groupid and ug.userid=1 LEFT JOIN nodes n ON (h.hostid/100000000000000)=n.nodeid WHERE ((h.hostid BETWEEN 000000000000000 AND 099999999999999)) GROUP BY h.hostid,n.nodeid,n.name,h.host,ug.userid ORDER BY n.name,n.nodeid, h.host, permission, ug.userid
Time:0.08552 LONG SQL: SELECT t.triggerid FROM triggers t WHERE ((t.triggerid BETWEEN 000000000000000 AND 099999999999999))
Time:92.065856 LONG SQL: SELECT DISTINCT t.triggerid,t.priority,t.description,t.expression,h.host,t.type FROM triggers t, functions f, items i, hosts h WHERE (t.triggerid IN (10001,10002,112280,112281,112282,112283,112284,112285,112286,112287,13933,112288,112289,112291,112290,112292,112293,112294,112295...
The screen contains "History of events" element.
Please review other screen elements as well.