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  2. ZBX-3547

agent returns wrong value for perf_counter(p, X), X>60 after host restart


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.8.6, 1.9.4 (alpha)
    • 1.8.3
    • Agent (G)
    • None
    • Windows 2003 R2 x64

      It seems that when using an active check of type perf_counter(whatever, X) with a large X value, after a host restart, the agent sometimes gets stuck sending trash information.

      I have seen this happen 2 times with these counters, monitoring different servers.
      perf_counter[\MSExchangeTransport Queues(_total)\Retry Remote Delivery Queue Length, 300] – it would sometimes get stuck sending 17050624
      perf_counter[\MSExchangeIS\RPC Averaged Latency, 300] – it would get stuck sending 100

      As far as I can tell it happens only when X is larger than 60 (I only use 30, 60 or 300 in my templates) and gets back to normal after an agent restart. It also seems to happen just after a server restart, so it may be that the windows perfcounter API simply does not have enough data to generate an average for 300sec.

        1. bug_4.log
          98 kB
          Aleksandrs Saveljevs
        2. bug_5.png
          89 kB
          Aleksandrs Saveljevs
        3. compare-load.png
          87 kB
          Aleksandrs Saveljevs
        4. compare-util.png
          84 kB
          Aleksandrs Saveljevs
        5. outlook_closed.txt
          5 kB
          Oleksii Zagorskyi
        6. zabbix_agentd_5sec_pollig.log
          27 kB
          Oleksii Zagorskyi

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            mmarkwitzz Alexandru Nica
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