-p and -t option of windows agent which is included in release tar.gz always return following error.
C:\Program Files\ZABBIX Agent>zabbix_agentd -p
zabbix_agentd [516]: error on mutex creating: [0x00000005] Access is denied.
zabbix_agentd [516]: unable to create mutex for performance counters
C:\Program Files\ZABBIX Agent>zabbix_agentd -t proc.num[]
zabbix_agentd [1840]: error on mutex creating: [0x00000005] Access is denied.
zabbix_agentd [1840]: unable to create mutex for performance counters
Retriving data from the agent via zabbix_get and Zabbix server is ok, only -p and -t options don't work.
C:\Program Files\ZABBIX Agent>zabbix_get.exe -s localhost -k agent.version
C:\Program Files\ZABBIX Agent>zabbix_agentd.exe -t agent.version
zabbix_agentd [1840]: error on mutex creating: [0x00000005] Access is denied.
zabbix_agentd [1840]: unable to create mutex for performance counters