Incident report
Resolution: Fixed
1.9.8 (beta)
Our hosts are monitored both via Agent and JMX, and hosts are applied with several templates, some templates are for Agent items and some templates are for JMX items, all items worked properly. In order to update items, I updated the template for JMX and imported it, all item's hosts interface changed to "Agent Interface" instead of "JMX interface" after importing, and hosts JMX monitoring changed to unavailable minutes later. I got the message "Invalid port number" on UI, and the hosts JMX monitoring can't work until I changed all JMX items host interface to "JMX Interface".
Reproduce Steps:
- Create a host with both JMX interface and Agent interface
- Create two templates, one for JMX interface and one for Agent interface, there should be at lease one item in each template
- Apply templates to the host
- The items for both JMX and Agent should work properly
- Change JMX template and import it again(or you can just import the template without changing it), keep all check bot as default when importing
- See the host interface of JMX items, it should change from "JMX interface" to "Agent interface"
- is duplicated by
ZBX-3531 Export/import basic functionality
- Closed