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  2. ZBX-4816

Low level SNMP discovery: Index can't be a string


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • 2.1.0
    • 2.0.0rc1
    • Server (S)

      Running: zabbix-2.0.0rc1

      We currently have an A10 AX2500 loadbalancer, and i'm trying to monitor it using SNMP. Because the config can be quite dynamic, i opted to install zabbix 2.0 to test it out, and espescially to test the new snmp discovery.

      The discovery worked fine with my switches, powerbars etc, but it refused to work with the A10.

      The reason for this is that the A10 doesn't return an integer for 'SNMPINDEX' but a string. An snmpwalk/table looks like this:

      $ snmpwalk -v 1 -c something a10-ax2500 . 
      A10-AX-MIB::axVirtualServerName."TWK.RS" = STRING: TWK.RS
      A10-AX-MIB::axVirtualServerName."TWEAKERS.NET" = STRING: TWEAKERS.NET
      ... etc
      $ snmptable -v 1 -c something a10-ax2500 . -Ci
                 index axVirtualServerName axVirtualServerAddress axVirtualServerEnabled axVirtualServerHAGroup axVirtualServerDisplayStatus
              "TWK.RS"              TWK.RS         ip                enabled                                               allUp
        "TWEAKERS.NET"        TWEAKERS.NET         ip                enabled                                               allUp

      As you can see, the index isn't an integer, it is a string. However, in checks_snmp.c:781 i read this:

      zbx_json_addstring(&j, "{#SNMPINDEX}", &p[1], ZBX_JSON_TYPE_INT);
      zbx_json_addstring(&j, "{#SNMPVALUE}", snmp_value.str, ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING);

      Aka, the index can only be an integer, which isn't true, it can also be a string

      After adding

      zbx_json_addstring(&j, "{#SNMPOID}", snmp_oid, ZBX_JSON_TYPE_STRING);

      i could get my discovery working properly and creating the right items (and i had to type a lot less in the OID field )

      So please fix it that the index can be a string, or add the SNMPOID macro (or do both )

            Unassigned Unassigned
            keeshoekzema Kees Hoekzema
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