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  2. ZBX-4998

Inconsistency with logging on DebugLevel=0 between Linux and Windows agents


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.3.0
    • 1.8.14rc1, 2.0.0rc4
    • None
    • zabbix agent for Windows and Linux

      (1) between Linux and Windows is present inconsistency in logging.
      Most important is DebugLevel (DL next) = 0.
      See copy-paste from logs (settings and corresponding log) and then analysis.

      ********* WINDOWS: **********
      TEXTLOG DL=1
        6068:20120515:085246.935 Starting Zabbix Agent [it2]. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27494).
        4776:20120515:085250.653 Zabbix Agent shutdown requested
        2080:20120515:085250.981 zabbix_agentd active check stopped
        7432:20120515:085251.044 zabbix_agentd listener stopped
        7392:20120515:085251.106 zabbix_agentd collector stopped
        4776:20120515:085251.669 Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27494).
      here is lines from windows eventlog "system":
      [6160]:  Starting Zabbix Agent [it2]. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27494).
      [3704]:  zabbix_agentd collector stopped
      [5988]:  Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27494).
       * DL=0 does NOT write anything to evenlog or textlog
      *********   LINUX: ***********
      TEXTLOG DL=0
      zabbix_agentd [21498]: Starting Zabbix Agent [it0]. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27500).
      zabbix_agentd [21498]: Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27500).
      TEXTLOG DL=1
       21594:20120515:084730.930 Starting Zabbix Agent [it0]. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27500).
       21594:20120515:084738.153 Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27500).
       * SYSLOG DL=0 - does NOT write anything into syslog or textlog
      SYSLOG DL=1
      here is lines from linux "syslog":
      May 15 08:49:33 it0 Zabbix Agent (daemon)[21786]: Starting Zabbix Agent [it0]. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27500).
      May 15 08:49:46 it0 Zabbix Agent (daemon)[21786]: Zabbix Agent stopped. Zabbix 2.0.0rc4 (revision 27500).

      As you see LINUX + TEXTLOG + DL=0 writes some lines to textlog (NOTE different format !) but Windows does NOT write them.
      But LINUX + SYSLOG + DL=0 does NOT write anything!

      Yes, I saw in zabbix sources special case (LOG_LEVEL_INFORMATION 127) which ignores DebugLevel.
      Then, why it does NOT work in Windows?

      So, here is inconsistency which can misled.

      Another story is additional lines in WINDOWS, here are those lines:

        4776:20120515:085250.653 Zabbix Agent shutdown requested
        2080:20120515:085250.981 zabbix_agentd active check stopped
        7432:20120515:085251.044 zabbix_agentd listener stopped
        7392:20120515:085251.106 zabbix_agentd collector stopped
      written with DL=1 (see the example above).

      Why they are writing?
      According to logic with Linux there should be just two lines (Agent starting and stopped) or why such lines do not write in LINUX ?

      [documentation] "0 - no debug" it's not very good description, I'd add couple of words - will be log created or not, or two lines (start+stop) will be written always?


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