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  2. ZBX-5028

Unusable SNMPv3 performance


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • 2.0.0rc6
    • Server (S)

      I'm currently monitoring 150 network devices (Brocade switches/routers) with only some key information (uplinks, cpu, temperature) Overall I have ~3500 SNMP items and new values per second is around 35. So everything seem to be ok.

      Using SNMPv3 on all checks results in a lot of network errors in the server log. Ruffly I have every second a entry like that:

      31229:20120521:104212.070 SNMP item [.] on host [SDEGFE17] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds
      31250:20120521:104212.270 resuming SNMP checks on host [PTEGFE08]: connection restored
      31231:20120521:104213.114 SNMP item [.] on host [SDEGFE17] failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds
      31249:20120521:104218.291 resuming SNMP checks on host [FAEGFE06]: connection restored
      31230:20120521:104220.432 SNMP item [.] on host [PTEGFE09] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds
      31232:20120521:104222.501 SNMP item [.] on host [PTEGFE09] failed: another network error, wait for 15 seconds
      31248:20120521:104222.516 SNMP item [.] on host [TEEGFE02] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds
      31238:20120521:104223.569 SNMP item [cpuUtil1Min] on host [STGEGFE01] failed: first network error, wait for 15 seconds
      31249:20120521:104228.342 resuming SNMP checks on host [SDEGFE17]: connection restored

      The update queue has also a lot of entries up to 5min waits.

      Then I changed all my SNMP items to SNMPv2 and the errors are gone, not a single network error anymore! Update queue is also empty!

      I did a quick test to be sure that the network device is not charged to much with those SNMPv3 settings but I could easely retrieve 100 values within seconds without a single error.

      The zabbix server itself is also under no load at all

        1. snmpv3_queue.jpg
          63 kB
        2. snmpv3_data_gathering.jpg
          90 kB
        3. snmpv3_cpu.jpg
          42 kB

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            marc.herren Marc Herren
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