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  2. ZBX-5217

Unable to connect to the WEB-interface Zabbix


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • 1.8.13
    • API (A), Frontend (F)
    • None
    • FreeBSD 9.0
      PHP 5.3.13
      Apache 2.2.22

      gogle translate
      When you go to the version of Zabbix 1.8.13 to version 1.8.12 can not get access to the WEB-interface. Does not appear even prompted to enter your login and password.
      When translating Zabbix mode «Maintenance» situation has not changed.

      I have constantly active users ~ 5, plus two user API, through which work almost all the scripts of interaction with the equipment.
      Chance «memory_limit» is set to 256MB. When replacing the 538Mb on the situation does not change.
      When replacing the WEB-interface to version 1.8.12 of the access to Zabbix appears.

      An analysis of the problem, I discovered that the version Zabbix 1.8.13 has been replaced by the function «logout» in the file «class.cuser.php» from the API.
      When replacing this function to a function from version 1.8.12 to 1.8.13 interface became fully operational.

      If I understand correctly, the interface stops coming here at this place:
      catch (APIException $ e)

      { self :: EndTransaction (false, __ METHOD__); $ Error = $ e-> getErrors (); $ Error = reset ($ error); self :: setError (__METHOD__, $ e-> getCode (), $ error); return false; }

      When adding a print_r ($ session) after this code, I hope nothing has beguiled, was loading in IE9 HUGE amount of data, while I was not interrupted by ~ 30 seconds.
      File «sessions.ibd» Zabbix in the database the main server is now «18432K».

      PS: On a test server Zabbix 1.8.13 with virtually an empty database, and no changes to the file «class.cuser.php» normlno works. The file «sessions.ibd» test server is now "458 752".

      ??? ???????? ?? ?????? Zabbix 1.8.13 ? ?????? 1.8.12 ?? ???? ???????? ?????? ? WEB-??????????. ?? ?????????? ???? ???? ? ???????????? ????? ?????? ? ??????.
      ??? ???????? Zabbix ? ????? «Maintenance» ???????? ?? ????????.

      ???? ????????? ???????? ????????????? ~5, ???? ??? ???????????? ??? API, ????? ??????? ???????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????????????? ? ?????????????.
      ?????????? «memory_limit» ??????????? ? 256??. ??? ?????? ?? 538?? ???????? ?? ????????.
      ??? ?????? WEB-?????????? ?? ?????? ?? 1.8.12 ?????? ? Zabbix ??????????.

      ? ?????????? ??????? ???????? ? ?????????, ??? ? ?????? Zabbix 1.8.13 ???? ???????? ??????? «logout» ? ????? «class.cuser.php» ?? API.
      ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? 1.8.12 ????????? ?? 1.8.13 ???? ????????? ???????.

      ???? ? ????????? ?????, ?? ????????? ?????????? ????????? ??? ? ???? ?????:
      catch (APIException $e)

      { self::EndTransaction(false, __METHOD__); $error = $e->getErrors(); $error = reset($error); self::setError(__METHOD__, $e->getCode(), $error); return false; }

      ??? ?????????? print_r($session) ????? ????? ??, ???????, ?????? ?? ???????, ??????? ???????? ? IE9 ???????? ?????? ??????, ???? ? ??? ?? ??????? ????? ~30?.
      ???? «sessions.ibd» ? ?? Zabbix ????????? ??????? ?????? ????? «18432K».

      P.S.: ?? ???????? ??????? Zabbix 1.8.13 ??????????? ? ?????? ?? ? ??? ???????? ????????? ? ???? «class.cuser.php» ???????? ????????. ??? ???? ???? «sessions.ibd» ????????? ??????? ?????? ????? «458752».

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            gdgsoft Dmitrij Gavrilenko
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