Incident report
Resolution: Fixed
If an item prototype is added to graph prototype in a discovery rule 2 or more times (e.g. to plot both [avg] and [max] values on the same chart), discovery process creates multiple entries of each duplicated item in the resulting graph instantiated based on this prototype. Every time LLD is performed, additional entries are added to this graph. Same scenario that doesn't involve LLD works properly, duplicates are not created.
Steps to replicate:
- navigate to vanilla SNMP interfaces template, interfaces discovery rule, graph prototypes
- add incoming and outgoing traffic item prototypes with any draw style and any line style to existing "Traffic on interface ..." graph prototype
- watch interface utilization graph on any device associated with this template for a few LLD periods
- observe multiplied entries
1. Graph prototype configuration
2. Instantiated host graph with multiplied entries/charts