Witnessed behaviour:
SNMP traps are not properly processes for hosts in maintenance (with data collection). No data is inserted.
Expected behaviour:
SNMP traps should be processed for hosts in maintenance (with data collection).
- Host with snmptrap.fallback item
- A maintenance period with data
Host not in maintenance:
- Put a trap log line like that in the SNMPTrapperFile:
16:32:05 2013/01/10 generalEvent Normal "Status Events" sirena.srv.meduniwien.ac.at - ZBXTRAP Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is from WEB browser at IP address ., Severity Critical
- The trap is processed after a while, leaving no trace with DebugLevel 3, data shows up in the frontend
24551:20130110:222401.683 In read_traps() lastsize:765
24551:20130110:222401.683 query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
24551:20130110:222401.683 query [txnlev:1] [update globalvars set snmp_lastsize=1020]
24551:20130110:222401.684 query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
24551:20130110:222401.684 In DCconfig_get_snmp_interfaceids_by_addr() addr:''
24551:20130110:222401.684 End of DCconfig_get_snmp_interfaceids_by_addr():1
24551:20130110:222401.684 In DCconfig_get_snmp_items_by_interface() interfaceid:195
24551:20130110:222401.684 End of DCconfig_get_snmp_items_by_interface():1
24551:20130110:222401.684 End of read_traps()
- Put a trap log line like that in the SNMPTrapperFile
- The trap is found not matching, leaving an entry with DebugLevel 3, data consequently doesn't show up in the frontend
24551:20130110:222010.624 In read_traps() lastsize:510
24555:20130110:222010.624 sleeping for 1 seconds
24551:20130110:222010.624 query [txnlev:1] [begin;]
24551:20130110:222010.624 query [txnlev:1] [update globalvars set snmp_lastsize=765]
24551:20130110:222010.625 query [txnlev:1] [commit;]
24551:20130110:222010.625 In DCconfig_get_snmp_interfaceids_by_addr() addr:''
24551:20130110:222010.625 End of DCconfig_get_snmp_interfaceids_by_addr():1
24551:20130110:222010.625 In DCconfig_get_snmp_items_by_interface() interfaceid:195
24551:20130110:222010.625 End of DCconfig_get_snmp_items_by_interface():0
24551:20130110:222010.625 unmatched trap received from []: 16:31:40 2013/01/10 generalEvent Normal "Sta
tus Events" sirena.srv.meduniwien.ac.at - Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid i
s from WEB browser at IP address ., Severity Critical
24551:20130110:222010.625 End of read_traps()