Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Zabbix version : 2.0.2
hosted on : Red Hat Ent Linux 6
Monitoring : 20 Hosts
one of my host "tom" Falls under daily Maintenance schedule which start ( 11:25 PM- 05:25 AM EST )
• "tom" wen t down in maintenance time and i acknowlageed the alerts on zabbix console @ 11:30 PM (EST)
• "tom" was not recovered in maintenance time
• Again alert (email ) for this incident came on 05:26 ( EST ) , the very next minute Schedule maintenance ended. ( incident was already there on dashboard from 11:30 PM ( already ack )
• Escalation timer started at 05:26 (EST )the same time the alert generated
• I got a Mail from user to extend the Maintenance windows for "tom" for next 2 hour
• The very next moment I extended the maintenance for "tom" the updated alerts ( which triggered at 5:26 AM ) was not highlighted on screen hence I was not able to Acknowledge it .
• Event was not acknowledged that's why the escalation executed as per defined escalation period.
above is the case happen with me
Zabbix version : 2.0.0
hosted on : Red Hat Ent Linux 6
Monitoring : 20 Hosts
Am not sure if this is the a BUG or not. but i found it critical for my setup. can i get a solution for this ?
That will be good if i can get following things
Any tool to stop escalation imidiatly
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-1565 maintenance windows or changes to escalations should apply to events which began before the maintenance window
- Closed