Incident report
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Server on Ubuntu 12 LTS, agent on Windows server 2008R2 Standard
monitored key: perf_counter[\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time,10]
Seems to work fine on most servers. One server however shows regular CPU use between 30% and 50% in the reported data. However, there is no such CPU use on the system. Viewing CPU in Task Manager and/or Resource Monitor shows constant near 0% CPU. However the data in Zabbix shows constant numbers as mentioned both in raw data and graph, with an average reported over 12%. Also, the graph will regularly have blank sections for 10-15 minutes, but there is data reported for that time when viewing last 500 items. This item and graph are from template so it's the same on all systems, and I have not noticed an issue with the rest of them. Memory and network data seem accurate, only CPU is wrong for some reason. Apparently the agent can some times report fictitious data rendering that item useless.