Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Ubuntu 12 LTS server, Windows 2008 agents
Reporting as bug due to available information. Setting as minor because it's annoying, but not problem causing.
If you set an action to send an email when a trigger changes state and it is not during maintenance, the expectation is that no email is sent if the system goes off and comes back on during the maintenance period. However, that is not what happens. Once maintenance ends, the action sends an email stating the service is ok. No email is sent that it was in problem while the system rebooted. This means that even though the trigger is ok before maintenance ends, and was ok before maintenance, the action is in some way holding this alert and then acting as soon a maintenance is over for no reason. It is unwanted to have a ton of emails alerting me there is no problem. There should only be an email of the trigger was ok before maintenance, and problem after maintenance. However, under normal circumstances it is desirable to be alerted of all state changes in the event there is a temporary network glitch, so you know that it went to problem but immediately back to ok, so no investigation of a down service is needed. In other words, the solution to the problem is not removing the other trigger status item.
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-128 New condition for operations: host is not in maintenance
- Closed