Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
The hit ratio should be > 70, and pin ratio > 70
select NAMESPACE, GETS, GETHITS, round(GETHITRATIO*100,2) gethit_ratio, PINS, PINHITS, round(PINHITRATIO*100,2) pinhit_ratio, RELOADS, INVALIDATIONS from v$librarycache
SQL AREA 122468084 7260837 5.93 373752701 21174738 5.67 228267 28661
This indicates that the bind variables are not used - which is very obvious when you check top queries in the AWR report, e.g:
select avg(value) from history where itemid=32971 and clock>1375379521 and clock<=1375984321; update hosts set errors_from=1375981626, disable_until=1375981641 where hostid=11324; SELECT g.* FROM graphs g WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM graphs_items gi, items i, hosts_groups hgg JOIN rights r ON r.id=hgg.groupid AND r.groupid IN ('8', '12') WHERE g.graphid=gi.graphid AND gi.itemid=i.itemid AND i.hostid=hgg.hostid GROUP BY gi.graphid HAVING MIN(r.permission)>=2) AND g.graphid='13547' AND g.flags IN ('0', '4'); SELECT * FROM (SELECT e.* FROM events e WHERE e.objectid='16725' AND e.objectid BETWEEN 000000000000000 AND 099999999999999 AND e.object=0 AND e.value_changed='1' ORDER BY e.eventid DESC) WHERE rownum BETWEEN 0 AND 1; select i.itemid, i.status, i.lastclock, i.prevorgvalue, i.delta, i.multiplier, i.formula, i.history, i.trends, i.lastns, i.hostid, i.inventory_link, hi.inventory_mode, i.valuemapid, i.units, i.error from items i left join host_inventory hi on hi.hostid=i.hostid where status in (0, 3) and (i.itemid between 34818 and 34822 or i.itemid between 34962 and 34966 or i.itemid between 35742 and 35746 or i.itemid between 39042 and 39046 or i.itemid between 45193 and 45197 or i.itemid between 59053 and 59057 or i.itemid between 59083 and 59087 or i.itemid in (22458, 22459, 22460, 22467, 24919, 25128, 25130, 27695, 28064, 30048, 30291, 30295, 30297, 30314, 30358, 30361, 30365, 30394, 30416, 30446, 30493, 30498, 30502, 31214, ..... 59726, 59727, 59756, 59757, 59765, 59774, 59775, 59803, 59804, 59805, 59806, 59815, 59816, 59817, 59861, 59864, 59865, 59866, 59894, 59895) or i.itemid in (59896, 59898, 59899, 59905, 59906, 59907, 59945, 59954, 59955, 59957, 59958, 59967, 59975, 59981, 59983)) order by i.itemid;
- duplicates
ZBXNEXT-166 Using bind variables in Oracle (only for inserts, only in C code)
- Closed