Incident report
Resolution: Won't fix
1.8.17, 2.0.9, 2.2.0
One Master node, one subordinate node, 7 proxies.
Ubuntu 12.04
MySQL 5.6
We migrated our 1.8.17 setup to 2.0.9.
After the migration the subordinate node starts complaining with hundreds of messages which look like the following messages:
9833:20131030:181502.203 [Z3005] query failed: [1054] Unknown column 'macro' in 'field list' [select macro from graphs_items where gitemid=200200000002550]
6201:20131030:095437.095 [Z3005] query failed: [1054] Unknown column 'internal' in 'field list' [select name,internal,name,hsize,vsize,templateid from hosts where hostid=200200000010246]
The hostids and gitemids are changing always in every logline.
After the master node synchronized with the subordinate node, both zabbix nodes are complaining in the same way.
(both servers complain only about ids which have a leading "2" - the id of the subordinate server)
Naturally we executed the database migration script and we checked the output for errors.
We compared the migrated database ddl schema with a newly created zabbix database schema - they are almost identical
(only very simple differences which cannot be the source of the problem).
Therefore i'm sure that this problem is not the result of a failed migration.
It seems that zabbix-server uses a dynamically created sql statement - because "select macro from graphs_items" cannot be found in the zabbix sourcecode,
The error message complains about the columns "macro" and "internal" - these columns are not part of any 1.8.17 or 2.0.9 database schema.
We tested the zabbix webgui for problems with graphs and we have not discovered any problem.
I you need to analyze this situation in detail, please requests additional information.
(Logfiles, Debug Output, SQL-Queries, ...)
- is duplicated by
ZBX-8067 not able to upgrade zabbix 2.0.11 to 2.2.3
- Closed
ZBX-8551 query failed: [1054] Unknown column 'type' in 'field list'
- Closed
ZBX-7493 Column "type" does not exist in applications
- Closed
ZBX-7644 Unknown column 'type' in 'field list' [select type from applications where
- Closed