Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Centos 6.4 + postgres 9.2.5 from the http://yum.postgresql.org/9.2/redhat/rhel-6.4-x86_64/
To reproduce A:
1) Go to Latest Data (latest.php)
2) Select eg. Group All, Host all
3) Enter a search-value, eg Cached memory and hit Filter
4) Click on any + sign in the list to expand
-> the Cached memory in the Filter-field is not quoted as 'Cached memory', and the filter-list is empty because nothing is matching the quoted value 'Cached memory'
To repoduce B:
1) Go to items.php and look up any item and edit it, or just create a new item
2) Save the item
=> All search-fields: Host, Application, Description and key get's now single-quoted
This problem has occured after i upgraded our centos 5.8 server to centos 6.4 + postgres 9.2.5. The upgrade was done by db-dump, and re-importing it to the new postgres-server. I was suggested on irc that this was a user-profile issue, but creating a new user brought me the same singlequotes.
- duplicates
ZBX-7156 Incorrect URL after login
- Closed