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  2. ZBX-8120

Duplicated history values with zeroes after 1 second


    • Icon: Incident report Incident report
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • 2.2.2, 2.2.3
    • Proxy (P), Server (S)

      We have found strange behaior in zabbix 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Some graphs have pikes to zero.
      In mysql it looks like:

      mysql> select * from history where itemid="63512";
      | itemid | clock      | value    | ns        |
      |  63512 | 1397802752 | 247.0409 | 526085751 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803112 | 262.5530 | 450004908 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803113 |   0.0000 | 450004908 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803232 | 264.6991 |  82818278 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803352 | 262.0739 | 693831403 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803472 | 257.6663 | 255432410 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803473 |   0.0000 | 255432410 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803592 | 259.0060 | 905185825 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803712 | 266.8781 | 547834755 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803832 | 258.2837 | 121761075 | 
      |  63512 | 1397803833 |   0.0000 | 121761075 | 

      Zabbix server get correct data from proxy:

      2014-04-18 10:50:45.000819 [30538] recv_data_from_proxy() [{mysql> select * from history where itemid="63512";

      But after it looks like:

      2014-04-18 10:50:46.000046 [30528] query [txnlev:1] [insert into history (itemid,clock,ns,value) values .... (63512,1397803832,121761075,258.283733) ....
      2014-04-18 10:50:46.000081 [30528] In zbx_vc_add_value() itemid:63512 value_type:0 timestamp:1397803832.121761075
      2014-04-18 10:50:46.000081 [30528] End of zbx_vc_add_value():SUCCEED
      2014-04-18 10:50:46.000426 [30528] query [txnlev:1] [insert into history (itemid,clock,ns,value) values .... (63512,1397803833,121761075,0.000000) ....
      2014-04-18 10:50:46.000461 [30528] In zbx_vc_add_value() itemid:63512 value_type:0 timestamp:1397803833.121761075
      2014-04-18 10:50:46.000461 [30528] End of zbx_vc_add_value():SUCCEED

      Also, during the search of problem, i founded duplicatino of items in db:

      mysql> select * from history where itemid="41792";
      |  41792 | 1397799152 | 0.0000 | 549560335 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799152 | 0.0000 | 549560335 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799272 | 0.4000 |  15553827 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799273 | 0.4000 |  15553827 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799392 | 0.2000 | 517255232 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799392 | 0.2000 | 517255232 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799512 | 0.0000 |   4664127 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799512 | 0.0000 |   4664127 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799512 | 0.0000 |   4664127 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799632 | 0.1000 | 740457948 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799632 | 0.1000 | 740457948 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799752 | 0.1000 |  82475922 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799752 | 0.1000 |  82475922 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799872 | 0.1000 | 182039807 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799872 | 0.1000 | 182039807 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799992 | 0.4000 | 143365840 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799992 | 0.4000 | 143365840 | 
      |  41792 | 1397799992 | 0.4000 | 143365840 | 
      |  41792 | 1397800112 | 0.0000 | 784272379 | 
      |  41792 | 1397800112 | 0.0000 | 784272379 |

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