How to repeat:
- go to Configuration -> Discovery
- add new rule
- add snmpv3 check with authPriv security level
- leave MD5 / DES radio buttons untouched
- save rule
- open rule again
- MD5/DES buttons are grayed and unselected, it's not possible to update rule
this is because jquery changed code from attr() to prop() call, and, for discovery, code
if (radioObj.attr('type') == 'radio') { radioObj.removeAttr('checked'); jQuery('#' + name + '_' + itemObj.val()).attr('checked', 'checked'); }
should be remade to
if (radioObj.attr('type') == 'radio') { radioObj.prop('checked', false); jQuery('#' + name + '_' + itemObj.val()).prop('checked', true); }
we should also test if some other parts of the code are affected.