Incident report
Resolution: Duplicate
Centos 6.5 x64
MySQL 5.6
Zabbix 2.2.3 rpms
PHP 5.3.3
HTTPD 2.2.15
After upgrading from 2.0.x too 2.2 latest data page is unusable for us. complaining about php max memory limit.
installed versions:
[root@zabbix zabbix]# cat /etc/php.ini | grep memory_limit
memory_limit = 128M
[root@zabbix zabbix]# php -v
PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Dec 11 2013 03:29:57)
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
[root@zabbix zabbix]# yum list installed | grep httpd
httpd.x86_64 2.2.15-30.el6.centos @updates
httpd-tools.x86_64 2.2.15-30.el6.centos @updates
[root@zabbix zabbix]# yum list installed | grep zabbix*
zabbix.x86_64 2.2.3-1.el6 @zabbix
zabbix-agent.x86_64 2.2.3-1.el6 @zabbix
zabbix-release.noarch 2.2-1.el6 installed
zabbix-server.x86_64 2.2.3-1.el6 @zabbix
zabbix-server-mysql.x86_64 2.2.3-1.el6 @zabbix
zabbix-web.noarch 2.2.3-1.el6 @zabbix
zabbix-web-mysql.noarch 2.2.3-1.el6 @zabbix
- duplicates
ZBX-7373 Very slow SQL query for getting last values from history and sometimes can be finished with error
- Closed